对于中国文明的英语作文 (对于中国文明五个突出特性的认识)

admin 2024-08-08 阅读:2




As is well known, ancient China created great civilization in history.


These civilization include various fields, such as art, architecture, handwriting and other crafts. Among some of these, traditional Chinese skills are exerted. For instance, Chinese brush painting require a lot of traditional Chinese skill, which can be mastered fully by a few artist.




However, art can transcend many barriers throught the world. Therefore, these traditional Chinese skills are now spreading all over the world by our artists.


Each of Chinese should feel proud about our national wealth inherited from our ancestors. Moreover, we should devote great efforts in protecting and developing them.





My Hometown Hello everyone, my name is XXX, I come from Luoyang. And today my topic is An introduction to my hometown -- Luoyang. Luoyang, as is known to us all, is the capital of thirteen dynasties, which is located in the west of Henan Province. The climate in Luoyang is pretty good. In summer, it wont be too hot. Whats more it wont be much too cold in winter. Luoyang is a historical city, so there are so many scenic sites, such as Longmen Grottos(Shiku), White Horse(Baima)Temple, and other beautiful scenery in Luanchuan. I think you must know this sentence Luoyangs peony is the best in the world. So why not come to my hometown to see the peonies next year, and at that time I will show you around my hometown, besides, you will be taken to Laocheng, and I must treat you with lots of characteristic snacks. My hometown, Luoyang, is an amazing city and I love it so much.


Luoyang, located in the Waterinfo because of its name and Yang, Chinese civilization is one of the main birthplace. Since the year 770 BC, moved the capital to Luo Yi Zhou Wang, one after another in the history of 13 dynasties established their capitals here, as long as 1,500 years. A long history of dazzling left to the Luoyang cultural heritage and tourism resources inexhaustible. Luoyang is rich in cultural, Longmen Grottoes is one of Chinas three major grottoes, the White Horse Temple, Chinas first official Buddhist temple, the ancient Luoyang Museum is the worlds largest group of ancient tombs, as well as two-way tomb, the white garden Kuan Lin, and so on a large number of historical sites. Luoyang equally attractive scenery, Xiao Yue, Tianjin, color Longmen Mountains, Luopu Autumn, Ma Bell Temple Luoyang Eight different style, beautiful scenery, enjoy the meantime, you will have made music Erwang Back洛阳,地处由于它的名字和杨在洛水,中国文明的重要发源地之一。自往年公元前770年,迁都洛邑周王,陆续在13个朝代的历史在这里建都,长达1500名年。令人目迷五色的左到洛阳的文明遗产和旅行资源取之不尽,用之不竭的悠久历史。 洛阳有丰盛的文明,龙门石窟是中国三大石窟之一,白马寺,中国的第一个正式的佛教寺庙,新鲜的洛阳博物馆是环球上最大的古墓葬群,以及双向墓,白花园关林等一少量历史遗址。 洛阳雷同精彩的景色,“晓悦,天津”,“颜色龙门山脉”,“洛浦秋”,“马大钟寺”洛阳八种不同的格调,漂亮的景色,享用其间,你会做音乐而妄前往


The gate grottoes were excavated during the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei grottoes were constructed on a large scale for more than 400 years in succession in the Eastern Wei, Northern Qi, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties and Song length of the Grottoes is 1 kilometer in the north and south. There are now 2345 grottoes, more than 100,000 statues and more than 200 inscriptions on them, twenty products of Longmen is the essence of calligraphy and Wei tablet. Zhu Suiliangs book the monument of Yi Gu Shrine is a model of regular script art Grottoes lasted for a long time and spanned many a large number of physical images and literary reflected the development and changes of ancient Chinese politics, economy, religion, culture and many other made great contributions to the innovation and development of Chinese grotto art. In 2000, it was listed as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO.译文:门石窟开凿于北魏孝文帝年间,之后历经东魏、西魏、北齐、隋、唐、五代、宋等朝代延续大规模营建达400余年之久,南北长达1公里,今存有窟龛2345个,造像10万余尊,碑刻题记2800余品。其中“龙门二十品”是书法魏碑精髓,褚遂良所书的“伊阙佛龛之碑”则是初唐楷书艺术的模范。龙门石窟延续期间长,超过朝代多,以少量的实物笼统和文字资料从不同正面反映了中国现代政治、经济、宗教、文明等许多畛域的开展变动,对中国石窟艺术的翻新与开展做出了严重奉献。2000年被联结国科教文组织列为环球文明遗产。裁减资料:龙门石窟是北魏、唐代皇家贵族发愿造像最集中的中央,是皇家意志和行为的表现,具备浓重的国度宗教色调。两朝的造像反映出大同小异的时代格调,北魏造像在这里失去了云冈石窟造像粗犷、森严、雄健的特色,而生存气息逐突变浓,趋势沉闷、娟秀、平和。这些北魏造像,脸部瘦长,双肩瘦削,胸部平直,衣纹的雕琢经常使用平直刀法,坚劲纯朴。在北魏期间雕凿的泛滥洞窟中,以古阳洞、宾阳中洞和莲花洞、石窟寺这几个洞窟最有代表价值。其中古阳洞集中了北魏迁都洛阳初期的一批皇室贵族和宫廷大臣的造像,典型地反映出北魏王朝举国崇佛的历史神态。这些形制瑰异、目不暇接的石刻艺术品,是中国传统文明与域外文明交汇融合的宝贵记载。参考资料起源:网络百科-龙门石窟


